Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tuesday - April 10th

It's Tuesday evening and it was another positive day for Hillary. It started off with the Dr's saying that they were happy with Hillary's response to the chemo so far - at least from what they can see in her blood cells. Yesterday was the last day of the first round of chemo. It sounds like most patients can expect to get a second round of chemo - mainly they don't want to take any chances.....though I'm not completely clear on the timing of when it would be. Obviously we won't know until 11 days from the original Chemo dosing as to how the chemo perfomed in her bone marrow, but from the blood tests the Dr's were happy with her blood counts so far.
She ate a little at breakfast, lunch and dinner, and went for 2 walks today. The second one was the longest she has walked since getting to the hospital, and it was soon after her sister, Stevie, arrived, so I think she might have been showing off. Stevie is staying with her tonight at the hospital, so hopefully she has another good night. Last night she probably had her best night sleep at the hospital - with two 3hr blocks with solid sleep and no interruptions. Usually it's maybe an hour max between interruptions - either nurses or bathroom breaks.
Even though yesterday was the last day of Chemo, it will be making her feel a little weaker over the next few days as it continues to kill blood cells in her bone marrow.
I'll try to update tomorrow if we hear anything new, but she continues to have a great attitude and we really like the Dr's and nurses - she has to be their favorite patient - but I'm a little biased.



Alicia Skodol said...

Chris & Hillary-
I love you guys! Hill is a strong lady! I'm very happy to hear the treatment is working well and that Hill is getting some rest. REally wish I could be there to give you hugs and kisses. We are thinking of you constantly and can't wait till this fight is WON!! Talk to you soon!
lots and lots and lots of love,
Alicia, Ted & Dylan

Rory and Matt said...

We're very happy to hear Hillary is able to get some rest and that the Dr's are pleased with the progress so far. We'll be praying for more of the same! Take care of one another,
Rory, Matt & Cameron Dominick

Rory and Matt Dominick said...

Sorry about the MOM and DAD bit, it's a default from our blog - I think I have fixed it now!

Emily said...

We are very, very happy to hear the positive update! We think about Hillary all of the time and can't wait to hear more good news!
Emily, Jeff & Charlie Savage

neil said...

Thanks for putting on this blog Chris - it's a great way for me to stay updated on how you two are doing! Take care and talk to you soon.


Susie W said...

Thank you so much for keeping us posted via this blog, Chris. It means a lot. I am happy to hear that you two are taking on this fight together. Hillary's a tough chick! I'll be praying for her.

Susie (friend from LeapFrog)