Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sun, Apr 15th

Hillary had another busy day with 4 walks, several visitors in the afternoon, and family in and out. Her appetite is slowly returning - eating a little more for all three meals - even an oreo brownie for desert. Stevie left today - it was great to have her here the past 5 days, hopefully she'll be back soon. I know it was hard for her to leave, but with Hillary looking good and in such good spirits, it made it easier.
Over the past few days the Dr's have determined that Hillary's AML is related to her having an inverted Chromosome #16, which they say is a good thing, since it gives more information as to Hillary's type of AML, why she got AML, and it helps them in treating her type of AML. Although I've tried to do a lot of reading on this, I still don't fully understand what all it means, but at least it's more information about Hillary's Leukemia.
Also several people have asked me - yes, Hillary is going to lose her hair in the next week or so from the chemo. As some of you know, she was actually growing her hair out to donate an organization that would use it for patients that lose their hair in the hospital.
Margie stayed over tonight with Hillary - so hopefully they had a good time - I think they were going to watch one of the Planet Earth segments on the Discovery Channel - a pretty amazing series.


Anonymous said...

Hi Hillary! The CS3 ship launch wasn't the same without you...I had no one to wear matching sweatpants with. I'm looking forward to seeing you and sharing a grilled cheese and tater tot meal. We all miss you tons. xoxo, Alyssa

Jenn Price said...

I love the Planet Earth Series and electronic Yahtzee. I wish I could come nad visit you, but Indy is a little far. Keep up the good work. I think of you every day.
Love, Jenn

katie & greg jermak said...

Once again thanks for the update Chris! It is good to hear the doctors know what type of AML Hill has, why Hill got AML and most importantly how to treat it! She looks great and sounds like she is making sure everyone gets their exercise around there :) Thanks again and please send Hill my love...thinking of you every day!
Katie, Greg and Moira

Anonymous said...

Hi Hillary,
Greetings from New York. It sounds like you are doing well and I am not surprised to see that you are keeping in good spirits. Keep it up and I will keep reading.

Anonymous said...

Hill-you look great & we're glad to hear you're in good spirits and are keeping up the eating & exercising! We think about you all of the time & greatly appreciate the regular blog updates! Keep up the good work!!! PS love the pink phone!!! xo Emily, Jeff & Charlie Savage

Anonymous said...

Chris and Hillary, that's great news about the Chromosome 16 diagnosis! Good luck during the biopsy and keep laughing and enjoying each other. We're sending our love and can't wait to see you in a few weeks.
Love, Becky & Steve

Unknown said...

Milks is the new blog! I am officially addicted. The updates are great , way to go Hillary and Chris for all the positive news. keep it up!

Sandy J said...

Hi Hillary, I am so happy to hear you're regaining some strength - these updates are really helping all of us out here who are thinking about you constantly! So much more to say, will be sending you something. Hang in there my friend and I hope to get up there to see you soon. keep up the great fight ~ you're gonna be the best beater of cancer there ever was! lots of love, sandy j

Anonymous said...

Hill -- you look Awesome. I am keeping up regularly on your progress. I am thinking of you every minute!!!

Love, Jess (Lewis)