Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thur, Aug 9

I'm getting ready to head over to the hospital for a quick check-up. Everything appears to be going properly, although my doctor is monitoring my liver. Apparently my liver functions have been really high, but that could just be due to the chemo... or the martinis =)
I kid!
My chemo does appear to be working though, since I'm definitely feeling more pooped.

There's a memorial scheduled for today for Bill Walsh, the former 49ers and Stanford football coach who died of leukemia last week. He was actually in the room next to me during my first stint in the hospital. My mom had offered his sister some of my birthday cake, and he thanked my dad when he was leaving. I'm pretty sure he was back in the hospital during my second stay, since "Gatsby" was listed on the patient name board -- his pseudonym for privacy.

start getting excited for Sunday... Chicago Distance Classic!
ok, I'm off to the hoppytail!
h (& c)


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Coach Walsh, but as you know the disease is a lot harder to beat when you are in your 70s and 80s.

Also, I did the drawing for the 24 Hours of Booty engraved iPod and the winners were Oliver and Catherine Nicklin. Congrats to them!

Good luck with your continued push!


Rachel said...

that's gotta be wierd to have been that close to him, how awesome you got to be a link in the chain of encouragement for coach walsh!

enjoy your ice crm, can you email me some?!

Rachel said...

and thx for including the pics of charlie, tommy, etal.! so precious! but of course i'm partial to pairs of little boys!

K. said...

run girls run! i have my money on them; they better kick some sincere booty! hey hills; keep eating your ice cream and fight it up with your great efforts. i was sad to hear about bill walsh but agree it was neat you were so close to him....xx katie d.