Monday, August 27, 2007


Hi all,
Happy new work week. I just got back from the dog park with Jake, my friend Jen's dog. He was at camp Hillary while Jen was out of town over the weekend. Also out of town last weekend, Chris just back from a Colorado mancation with some pals. He has slightly less skin on his elbow after they went biking down the mtn in Brekenridge. (note: that never happens to me on vacations.) I read an article recently about how caregivers often forget to take care of themselves; this is Chris's first fun trip out of town since my diagnosis, so well deserved is an understatement!
My mom came out to "babysit" me, and we had such a fun weekend. It ended up being a bit of a vacation for me as well, since I have had 3 days off from the hospital. My lab results last Friday looked quite good, so they decided I won't need to go back until tomorrow. So we did lots of walking, shopping, and eating... and we are now stocked with homemade food. Let the eating continue! We also met up with some of my friends for a girls' wedding shower... Bridget & Brian are planning a November wedding in Cabo, so I have some serious motivation to kick this thing before then.
Charlie, my little 3-yr old nephew, is having minor surgery today on his little hernia, so I'm all nervous to hear how he's doing. Fortunately, it's routine, but I know how scary hospitals are for kids. Poor little guy! I've had some friends tell me they think I've stayed really positive through this whole thing. It's true, I am a pretty positive person naturally, but Stanford also has a huge children's hospital right next to its cancer center. I think I would feel like a bit of a jackass complaining about my time in the hospital, while sitting next to a building full of little kids going through the same thing or worse. But I also have a very positive prognosis and a doctor who has been extremely positive... although perhaps a bit too honest. We bumped into him when I was at the infusion center last weekend, and he said he has a newly admitted patient who is similar to me -- young with Leukemia. I asked if she had a "good" kind like me (meaning a good prognosis), and he said "Nope, her's is better." Ha... nice! :)
delanie, mom, tricia, moi, sarah, bridget, kathleen (@ pres a vi)

with Jake dog

h (& c)


bmcmahon said...

So happy to be able to help you enjoy your vacation from the hospital! A great weekend all around for everyone (except maybe for Charlie, but I'm sure he'll be back at it soon!).

Anonymous said...

Hillary, You do have a wonderfully positive attitude - keep it up! As for your Dr. - he might need a refresher on "what not to say when..." Dr's are funny people sometimes. We'll be sending good thoughts to your little guy Charlie. No child belongs in the hospital, even for something routine.
Rory, Matt and Cameron

Mary Carol Milks said...

I've really enjoyed reading your blog over the last few months. Glad to see from your pictures and your updates that you're doing so well. Have you heard we're moving to Germany this Fall? Hope you get well enough to come visit (with Chris, of course). Our daughter Megan is really enjoying Chicago so far. Lots of prayers and good wishes!

Mary Carol, Tom and family

Brett said...
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Brett said...

Yea I remember when we were in the Pediatric ICU when Caroline was diagnosed. Not only did the doctor send us straight there, but at the hospital they had her cut to the front of the line and go straight into a room.

Kristin and I were like 'what's diabetes' and 'what is going on' and 'what does this all mean'....this doctor comes trapsing in and says 'Yea, Caroline's going to have a long, hard life ahead of her.'

He probably still walks around saying that, except now it comes out 'Yea, Cawuwine ezsh gonna hav a wong hawd wife ahead uv huh' since he has no teeth anymore.

People probably laugh at him and call him Dr. Elmer Fudd.

I think doctors are not very good at separating the scientific-fact-diagnosis from the whole interpersonal communication thing.

Rachel said...

preach it, bwelbo! makes me all the more thankful when i meet a doc who has amazing bedside manner. i agree that being around kids can certainly help our perspective on so many things.

glad you had a good time w/your mom, and glad all of chris had fun, except for the elbow!

love ya.

Alicia Skodol said...

Hill- Love reading all you are up too! And looking forward to visiting you. Miss you lots-- you look great! Keep it up.
lots of love,
Alicia, Ted, Dylan and Lexi

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates Hill. You look great and so happy to hear you had a great weekend with your mom! Glad to hear Charlie's surgery went well. Poor guy is right...wishing him a quick recovery. Can't wait to catch up soon!
Love you lots!
Katie, Greg and Moira