Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sat, Aug 11

We had a quick check-in at the hospital this morning. My hemoglobin is low, so I will need to go in for another blood transfusion tomorrow. But they are pleased that my liver functions are improving. Honestly, I really don't know what that means, but it sounds good. The big excitement for today was a walk around town with Chris. We saw a purple poodle.

Yesterday, I had the day off from the hospital, so I pretty much laid around like a bum. The big excitement of the day was having Sarah B. over for pizza & movie night (Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill - i lurve this movie!).
And the big excitement for tomorrow is the half marathon in Chicago! I will post photos as soon as I get them. It should be really hot & humid, so drink lots of water.

I want to say Thank You so much to all the red blood & platelet donors. I have been really enjoying your cells. By the way, what a great gift idea... a red blood cell plush doll:

(comes in white too!)

hill (& chris)


Unknown said...

I lurve the Wild Parrots too and i am going to find the Greenwhich steps. Thanks for fun movie night w/ yummy pizza and homade pluot cake and compote! Hillary Thompson Milks Crocker :)

Anonymous said...

I burst out laughing when I saw the highlight of your day was seeing a purple poodle! Ah, love you! xoxo

Anonymous said...

And I burst out laughing at the Red Blood Cell Plush Doll!! By the way, the Half Marathon was an amazing day of support by your fabulous friends....... and my fabulous friends....... who all turned out to support you, Hillary and Chris!! Can't wait for you to see all the great pictures! love you, mom