Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ding ding ding... Round 4!

Clearly we are nuts, because we were so excited to hear that I'm on for my 4th cycle of chemo shmeemo next week. Following the same schedule as before, I'll go in on Mon, Wed, and Fri mornings and evenings. Luckily for Chris, this will give him something to do on his labor day holiday. How embarrassing to not have plans. You will be doing upside down margaritas, while we will be watching high-dose Ara-C (aka Cytarabine) drip into my veins.
My doctor really surprised us this morning. He suggested that we might decide to stop my chemo now after only 3 rounds of outpatient treatment. Since I received this same drug when I was first admitted, I have technically already been through 4 cycles. Plus I have had one or more infections after each treatment, due to my low/non-existent immune system. But we all decided that it would be worth it to go ahead with a final treatment. For me it is mostly psychological; if I don't do it, I'll be wondering if I have a higher chance of relapse. We were told that, based on my type of leukemia, I have about a 30% chance of relapse. I said "oh good, that's low!"... then I realized, it's not
that low. (I mean, technically, it's an F, but it could be a D with a serious curve.) But then my doctor pointed out that I do NOT have the KIT mutation, and therefore have a slightly lower chance of relapse... maybe 20-30%.
By the way, I would love for someone to actually read that article that I just linked to. I sure didn't!

Good news... I continue to not lose my hair, so it's like a short bob now. That is, if 1/2 inch counts as short! Some famous people with possible hairstyles:

h (& c)


Rachel said...

last round, let's start the celebrations!

i've always thought short hair was so sexy... ;)

btw, what's up w/sigourney???

Angie said...

the whole web team will do upside down margaritas when you are done with round 4! congrats and here's to the final round!


Anonymous said...

Hillary, you are so damn'd funny that it's obvious why Chris married you. He was getting a major catch. I hope that when you are feeling better & I am not part of a walking germ infestation (due to Andrew & Justin of course) we can spend more time together. I am sure that you will look hotter than me with your Demi Moore look vs. my Mommy-got-flab look. Congrats on the 'good?' news/stats? Love to you both, Michelle

Andy Rowell said...

Found your blog! Great to hear how you are doing! We have been thinking and praying for you.

Much love,

The Parkers said...

The end of round 4 sounds great!!! You always look beautiful and your short hair looks great. Hope you had a great visit with your Mom. It also looks like you enjoyed your dog sitting.
Glad Charlie is back on the mend.

I finished round 5 and look forward to round 6 in about three weeks. Let's get this chemo scheemo done!!!

Love: Catherine and Gary

Anonymous said...

Yay, almost done! You look great and we're so happy that soon this will all be a distant memory for you guys. You look great, Hillary. Way to take life in stride and come out stronger.

Love, Becky (and Steve)

Anonymous said...

Wahoo! You are on the home stretch!
Thank you for writing about is crazy how little bodies heal so quickly! When we were at the hospital before his surgery he asked, "Is this the hospital Hillary goes to?" :)
He loves his Auntie!
Can't believe the last round is coming up...amazing! so proud of you. xoxo

bmcmahon said...

yee haw!! git 'er done! as they would say in wyoming!
i can clearly see upside down margaritas in your future...there's this little place called squid roe...

Anonymous said...

Let the last round begin! I guess I'll have to do a few upside down margaritas this weekend in honor of you?! I miss you.

Unknown said...

Yay for Round 4! Bring it on, you got it in the bag, Thank you for being such an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

That info on the Kit Mutation is a bit beyond me! Yikes!
I'm so excited for you! I hope, hope, hope, that this is the last week you ever begin a round of chemo :)
Love all your short hair choices.... but agree with Rachel that something's up with Sigourney?! love, mom

K. said...

that is great! i like to add selma blair too; she is doing good things with her hair. continue to feel better! i just had out the ole' appendix; so ive been taking it easy. xx

Jen said...

Wihoo - I'm famous! Your blog never fails to crack me up. I'm looking forward to our lunch next week.