Sunday, June 3, 2007

Sunday June 3rd

I just wanted to let everyone know that Hillary was admitted to the Hospital on Friday since she had a fever and her body couldn't fight off the infection or virus since she doesn't have many white blood cells (she's doing just fine today). She had a fever Friday and Saturday, going back and forth from chills to sweats, but the fever broke Saturday night and she felt much better today. When we got out of the hospital a month ago the Dr's said to not be surprised if Hillary had to be admitted at some point during the outpatient consolidation chemo process as it's pretty common. Her white blood cell count was near zero, but since we made it two weeks after she got the chemo, I thought we were out of the woods of the first round of consolidation chemo.... apparently not. I think maybe she just wanted all her meals served to her in bed and apparently I didn't do that at home.
They haven't given a specific time she would be out of the hospital, but they didn't think it would be more than a week. Since her fever is gone, I think we just have to wait for her white blood cells to rebound.


Anonymous said...

Hi Hill and Chris! Thanks for the update Chris. Hill, I am glad you are feeling better and hope your hospital stay is short. Thinking of you both.

Miss and love you!
Greg, Katie and Moira

Anonymous said...

Hang in there guys. Know it's a bummer to be back at the hospital but one day this will be a distant memory. Enjoy the meals in bed, Hillary :) and we're pulling for those WBCs again!

Becky & Steve

Jen said...

Nice excuse for hand and foot massages and specially catered meals! Hope you get to go home soon.


Anonymous said...

Hillary, we think of you often. Being back in the hospital for a short stay has to be a bummer, but it is obvious the right place to be. You'll be home soon. Hello and all the best from the Wilts.

Anonymous said...

Hillary, you are such a trooper! I hope this round of chemo goes by really quickly for you... Sending you lots of well wishes. grace.

Anonymous said...

Hillary, after seeing how brave you were while having a PICC line put in throught your arm to your heart, I can truly say I have never been prouder of you. Love you SO much, Mom

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better every day. Thanks again for the birthday book - that was very sweet of you.

Anonymous said...

Keep on truckin'! :-) You are a trooper. Feel better soon!
Stephanie and Ori

GW said...

Hang in there, Hillary! And take advantage of those tater tots...