Monday, June 11, 2007

Mon, June 11

Hi all,
We had a great weekend, mostly relaxing at home with some family in town. Chris's mom Kathy and freshly-graduated brother Kevin came out for a visit and a rafting trip up north - led by Danny, brother-in-law-extraordinaire, plus got to see Meredith and Natalie. thanks for coming out! My blood cell counts have been increasing, so although I had to miss out on rafting, I did get to do some normal things like hitting the fruit market and even our neighbor's BBQ.
Another special treat for me last week... I got to see Leigh (+ hubby and their very very cute baby - cute-photo proof below) after her 100-mile ride, and Amy LaRue took the day off work to hang out with me. Those are the kind of priorities I like!

I'm still on antibiotic infusions for that bacterial infection I got, so that means daily trips to the hospital. Once I'm back to normal, I should only need 2-3 hospital visits per week... but apparently I'm not quite there yet. Now we're just waiting for my blood cell counts to get back up, so we can start Round 2 of consolidation chemo. It sounds like it will still be a few weeks, though.

In the meantime, I've taken up knitting a scarf (thanks, Mimi). I think the technical term right now would be "pot holder", but hey, knitting is not a race!

With Amy (holding Leigh's baby, Emily) and Leigh.

hillary (& chris)


Unknown said...

Pot holders rule. As do you. So happy to hear the positive news. I hope to get some more lemonade out of you now that you have fruit clearance :)

K. said...

hey guys! you all look great. Hills; keep up the hard work. the BBQ sounds good. cute cute cute baby and keep on keepin on....xx k.

Anonymous said...

Knitting is awesome. I am so happy to hear you back, up and around. Hooray for fruit stands! Great news!!!

Stephanie and Ori

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you start now, there would be time to knit everyone pot holders for Christmas! xo, mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Hillary:

Sorry to hear you have had a few bumps in the road lately. 2-3 trips a week to the hospital is a good week? Jeez, 2-3 showers in a week is a good week to me. Your outlook and strength make the rest of us feel inadequate.

Keep pushing and stay positive - hopefully you are getting all our positive vibes through blog-land.

Mount Pleasant, SC