Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Stevie and the gang are all fine

hi all,
A lot of people were concerned about Stevie & Carey and the boys, since they live so close to the fires in So. California. They are doing fine, although it sounds like a smoky, ashy mess. From Stevie:
"It smells like there are leaves burning right next door, but the fire is about 10 miles away... we have piles of ash in our carport and on our roof deck. We can’t open our windows, because ash comes blowing in. (that is a problem, because it has been about 90 degrees and we don’t have air conditioning!) The conditions are improving from what we can tell. The temperature is slowly dropping, and the winds are almost gone (they were about 50- 60 mph at the beginning of the week)."
Thank you for thinking of them.
We had a quick doctor appointment this morning, which was mostly social... since I am in such total remission!
I would like to send a special Shout Out to my doctors & medical staff at Stanford. They are brilliant and fashionable at the same time, and I am not just saying that because I know they're reading this now. They look like actors who play doctors on TV!

h (& c)


Anonymous said...

Hillary, I would like to second that "shout out" to your doctors. I can't imagine you going through this illness in any other place than Stanford! Dad and I are so thankful for the whole staff who has been there for you!! mom

Anonymous said...

Hillary so good to hear the good news. I love your new hairdo. You look better than Natalie Portman in short hair -- and that is tough competition! Much love from Chicago!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to both of you! Such great news on the test results.

K. said...

Hey Hills! Cool reference to the Stanford md's are they more in the House vein or Grays (i only really watch House). Sorry also to hear about Stevie but I'm glad things are getting better xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Hillary!
I am just so thrilled to see your smiling face and those fabulous blood test results! Your strength and unbelievably positive attitude have been an inspiration to me. I can't tell you how happy I was to see Alicia's pictures from her visit, and see you out and about having a grand ol' time. It's really wonderful to see. I hope to see you sometime in the future. Take care, dear!
- Julie Boczkowski